You-Tube Link to Church Service & Bible Study
Paradise Island Church in the Park
Non-Denominational, Inc.
Board Members 2024
President - Pastor Serena Johnson
Vice President - Jim Sayre
Associate Pastor - Eddie Lamb
Treasurer - Skip Simpson
Secretary - Pat Murphy
Associate Treasurer - Peg Sayre
Deaconess - Jenny Calderello
Deaconess - Kay Harrison
Deaconess - Anne Carpenter
Deaconess - Betty Simpson
Church in the Park Outreach
Bible Study - Thursdays 9:30 AM - Pastor Serena
Johnson 727 530-5905
Bible Study - Saturdays 9:30 AM led by Skip Simpson
727 480-9447
Choir Practice - Thursdays 10:30 AM. Music Director Jenny Caldarello
678 633-0947
Communion - Skip & Betty Simpson - 727 409-8669
(2nd Sunday of the month)
Prayer Group - Fridays 10:30 AM - Pastor Serena
Johnson 727 530-5905
All Outreach held in Clubhouse
Sunshine Committees
Greeting Cards (sending) Barbara Neirinck 727
New People Contact - Beverly Spikes 727 430-2824
Prayer Bears - Wilma Largent 260 316-1296